2023. PG-13. 116 mins. Directed by Dexter Fletcher Ghosted follows Cole (Chris Evans) as he meets Sadie (Ana de Armas) and they have a great first date. Cole instantly falls in love with her and thinks that she could be the one. After their date together he keeps texting her to try and set something else up, but she doesn't respond for days. Thinking all hope is lost and that she doesn't want to see him again he remembers that he left his inhaler, which has a tracker on it, in her purse. That gives him the incentive to track her down in London only to find out that Sadie is a secret agent and the both of them get swept up in an international adventure to save the world. This is the perfect example of a movie that, on paper, sounds like a good idea but is terribly executed and makes for a less than entertaining time. There is also the feeling of a studio taking two popular actors and putting them in the laziest constructed movie for a quick cash grab. No matter how you look ...