November Criminals follows the story of Addison (Ansel Elgort), a high school senior in Washington, D.C. who just recently lost his mother and is preparing for life after graduating. He has recently started going out with Phoebe (Chloe Grace Moretz) and they are starting to build a good relationship together. Things change when Addison gets word that a friend of his was murdered just hours after having an interaction with him. The media and police claim that the murder happened because of gang involvement but Addison doesn't believe it. With the help of Phoebe he starts his own investigation into the death of his friend to find the truth. The story here has a lot of great ideas but as it progresses it feels as if the execution just isn't there. It felt like the story could have gone the route of racism or how the media constantly jumps to early conclusions, instead the filmmakers decide to play it safe. At times it feels like the main story takes a back seat to the rel...