The End of the Tour is the latest film directed by James Ponsoldt, which shows the real life story of Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) spending five days with acclaimed writer David Frank Wallace (Jason Segel) and interviewing him for the famous magazine. This takes place just after Wallace's groundbreaking novel 'Infinite Jest' was released. Director James Ponsoldt takes us through the five day interview and we see as these two guy become good friends but start to constantly bicker and argue the more they get to know one another. It's a real in depth look inside the mind of two clearly talented writers and how much they differ from one another as we watch over the course of the film. This was a pleasantly surprising little film. Not that I expected it to be a disappointment but it surprised me in how genuine and real it felt as the story went along. Watching these two guys and listening to the conversations they have together, you really get a ...